Friday, May 22, 2020

Gender Roles Alice Munro s Boys And Girls - 1051 Words

Gender Roles In Alice Munro’s â€Å"Boys and Girls†, the story is focused on a working class family who lives on a farm. A man’s role on the farm or in general is to work for the family and do the heavy work that a woman wouldn’t be able to do. The daughter in the story is very much inspired by the father and wishes to pursue in the activities that are being performed around the farm. The mother needs help around the house and that was the role many females took over for many centuries and generations. Throughout the existence of society gender roles are often exchanged and unfairly distributed. The point of view Alice Munro wants to establish is that women are capable of doing a fair share of the things men can do. There is a diversity among males and females both for the obvious and not so obvious reasons. The characteristics society defined as a man was someone who was strong and able to care for the land. Society defined a female as the complete opposi te. â€Å"She’s just a girl† occurs in this short story twice, and yet each time it is presented it has a different meaning. The first occurrence was the comment made from a salesman. The salesman said it in admiration to the young girl, praising her for being a girl however, the second occurrence was by her father negatively belittling her at the dinner table for letting the horse out of the gate. The protagonist’s father belittles the girl in accordance to the male feeling superior and degrading the women due to the secondaryShow MoreRelatedGirls And Girls By Alice Munro875 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout the course of time, roles in our society towards gender has evolved. In the story Boys and Girls by Alice Munro relatively has a direct message which is the constant battle of gender stereotypes. The audience is reading through the point of view of the main character, which is a girl, and her frustration she feels. 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