Monday, February 17, 2020

Ostemyelitis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ostemyelitis - Research Paper Example entist defined this disease as â€Å"corruption of the bones†, in 1830 Gross used the term â€Å"necrosis†, Paster called this disease â€Å"carbuncle† in 1860 as he thought that the infectious agent of ordinary abscesses and bone infection was the same. In 1931 Nowicki called it â€Å"osteitis†as he was sure that this disease infect mainly the bone tissue and bone marrow involve only in suppuration. Finally Lannelongue firstly used the term ostemyelitis in 1879 as he thought that an infection starts primary from the bone marrow. The causation of osteomyeltitis remained unclear until Pasteur proved the existence of microorganisms in 1860 and showed that they can provoke this disease. The nature of the osteomyelitis was more deeply described using X-rays by Roentgen in 1896. Later on modern imaging procedures such as ultrasonography, isotope bone scan, MRI and computed tomography helped to fully understand the pathology and diagnosis of different stages of osteomyelitis. Also some predisposed factors were discovered such as malnutrition, debilitating diseases, immunological and genetic factors. Therefore, through a long historical period scientist describe pathology, diagnosis, treatment of the osteomyelitis. (Abulfotooh M. Eid,2003) Osteomyelitis usually caused by bacteria, but may be provoked by fungi or other germs. Different bacteria can cause osteomyelitis depends on age of the patients. Newborns at age of under 4 months are infected by Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter and group A and B Streptococcus species. Children at age 4 months -4 years can be infected by Haemophilus influenza, S. aureus, Enterobacter and group A Streptococcus strains. Osteomyelitis in adolescents and adults in 80% of cases caused by S. aureus. Osteomyelitis in children usually affects the long bones of the upper and lower extremities while adults have likelihood for development of the infection in the bones that forms the spine called vertebrates. In patients with sickle cell anemia the

Monday, February 3, 2020

Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 31

Reflection - Essay Example Diversity also offers a rich mix of characters in a diversified community to promote interactions of people’s strengths and weakness in an organization. A multi-cultured community therefore has an advantage of effectiveness and efficiency in generating solutions to problems, especially if the differences are managed effectively. The interview also established that the benefits of diversity apply across different fields. The interview changed my thinking over superiority issues across diversity. I previously focused on major traits across cultures and believed that people’s potentials depend on their cultural orientations but the interview changed my thinking. I, however, know understand that each culture is rich in potentials and that diversity is not the basis to determining an individual’s ability. Learning of the advantage of integrating cultural features in a multi-cultured community for effectiveness has also informed me that diversity is important and organizations should promote it. I appreciate cultural differences and try to learn more about each culture because of my change in thinking. I interact with people from different culture, with honesty, and even try to incorporate their traits in my life and activities. My attention has therefore shifted to developing diverse relationships that I currently work on. The important information that I learnt about diversity, from the cultural immersion, is the role of diversity decision making. While different cultures have different approaches to decision making, each approach is not perfect but integration of positive elements from each culture improves decision-making process, leading to informed decisions. The knowledge has developed a new perspective in me and I will in future incorporate perspectives from different cultures while making decisions. I will identify individuals from each