Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglas, An American Slave

Throughout America’s history, we have committed some questionable and highly shunned acts: The Indian Removal Act, The Salem Witch Trials, racism, suffrage, and of course, slavery. Many people have opposing views concerning slavery. Some would even venture as far as saying that America never owned ANY slaves. However, historical evidence proves them wrong. Frederick Douglas was a slave during the 1800’s who ultimately escaped and became an Abolitionist and activist for equality for all people, no matter their race or gender. In his autobiography, Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglas, an American Slave, Douglas describes his life as a slave and the horrific acts he endured. America, a Concise History, by James Henretta, devotes a whole chapter to slavery and society. A few ideas from the two overlap, but there are many differentiating ideas about slavery in the south. One of the few views they shared was that the more slaves a person owned, the more esteemed they were in society. Douglas discusses how slave owners and overseers would impregnate their female slaves just so the child would also be born into slavery, hence, more slaves to work the plantation. â€Å"†¦ That slaveholders have ordained, and by the law established, that the children of slave women shall in all cases follow the condition of their mothers; and this is done too obviously to administer to their own lusts, and make a gratification of their own wicked desires profitable as well as pleasurable†¦Ã¢â‚¬  TheShow MoreRelatedNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglas An American Slave1450 Words   |  6 PagesThe book Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglas an American slave, is showing a highway map, displaying the road to how the slavery went to freedom. Douglas at the opening of the book was a slave in both his body and mind. Then at the end good things happened to him, he gets legal freedom and frees his mind. The events in the book are good points in Frederick’s life, in the book it explains how he get there, and what he had to do and learn along the road. Where it first starts is Douglas realizesRead MoreA Slave’S Awakening . . . Yifan Lin. . . . History 1301.1085 Words   |  5 Pages History 1301 Nicholas Cox May 4th ,2017 Fredrick Douglas, a black slave, wrote the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas, an American Slave. The autobiography not only reveals the cruel nature of slavery but also discusses the issue of how slavery was maintained for such long time. Douglas enlightened us about the idea of that: knowledge is power, knowledge changes fate, and â€Å"it is the only access to freedom†. Frederick Douglas from (1817-1895), was one of the most prominent black leadersRead MoreJacobs Douglass: An Insight Into The Experience of The American Slave1019 Words   |  5 PagesThe slave narratives of the ante-bellum time period have come across numerous types of themes. Much of the work concentrates on the underlining ideas beneath the stories. In the narratives, fugitives and ex-slaves appealed to the humanity they shared with their readers during these times, men being lynched and marked all over and women being the subject of grueling rapes. The slave narrative of Frederick Douglas and Harriet Jacobs: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl themes come from the existenceRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Fredrick Douglass, An American Slave916 Words   |  4 Pages Narrative of The Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave In Fredrick Douglass’s a narrative, Narrative of The Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave, he narrates an account of his experiences in the dehumanizing institution of slavery. This American institution was strategically formatted to quench any resemblance of human dignity. Throughout, the narration of his life Fredrick Douglas, meticulously illustrates the methodical process that contributed to the perpetual state of slaveryRead MoreThe View from the Bottom Rail Essay703 Words   |  3 Pagesstereotyping occur in every aspect of life. No one should ever take anything for face value before they examine it first.  In reading the narrative, â€Å"The View from the Bottom Rail† by James Davidson and Mark Lytle and â€Å"Frederick Douglasss Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas† by Harold Bloom. I became very aware on how American history can be looked at as one sided or bias. Even in today’s society, there is still a lot of biasness presente d in American history that is told when it is relatedRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass1492 Words   |  6 Pages There are various major themes in â€Å"The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass†. One of the most prominent themes in the book is inequality. The theme is dominant due to its real values in the institution of slavery. The theme not only regularly appears in the narrative but is in so many ways interconnected with other themes such as education. Inequality is the most dominant in the narrative. Douglass attempts to reveal how the African American slaves are just like their white counterparts despiteRead MoreDouglas vs Stowe1650 Words   |  7 Pagescomplicated social quandary that incorporated individual, societal, political, economic, and religious principles. Its authorship includes Frederick Douglass and Harriet Beecher Stowe who dually challenges the legitimacy of slavery in their literature. While both Harriet Beecher Stowe’s â€Å"Uncle Tom’s Cabin,† and Frederick Douglas’s â€Å"Narrative of the Life of an American Slave,† offe r impelling accounts, regarding the historical slavery era throughout the 1800s, the two authors write from distinctive experiencesRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass987 Words   |  4 PagesLife of Frederick In the â€Å"narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass an American slave written by himself† Frederick reveled to audience the time he was living as a slave and the moments of brutal treats for example psychological, emotional and physical abuses. He was suffering terrible moments during his 20 years as a slave in the twentieth century. In addition, he describes in his own words the strategies he used to escape from the slave holders and to be free. This story the â€Å"Narrative of theRead MoreAnalysis Of A Slave Narrative By Frederick Douglass1646 Words   |  7 PagesWithin a slave narrative, the identity of the writer greatly affects the perspective of the story and the message that the author wishes to convey. For a narrative of this nature, to send its meaning directly and efficiently it must be able to illustrate the individual struggle of the writer as well as create a clear line between what it means to be a slave and what it means to be free. These identities of the author not only conflict with the image of self but also help to illuminate the strugglesRead MoreEssay on Slavery and the Power of Rhetoric to Effect Social Change1250 Words   |  5 Pagesat least one dirty little time in their history that all would rather forget. America knows this feeling well, especially within the 19th century, the slave era. America was divided, the North was generally against slavery and all for letting the African Americans r oam free in a colony in Africa. The South on the other hand viewed African Americans as tools, essential to the economy and work, however still just tools. Tools to be bought a sold and driven until the breaking point just like every other

Monday, December 16, 2019

Arguments for and against Australia’s Alliance with the United States Free Essays

string(71) " to fight alongside those of the US in an effort to contain terrorism\." Australia, apart from being the United States’ oldest friend as well as ally in the Asia-Pacific region also is America’s second closest ally worldwide. In spite of the fact that this alliance has been in existence for over 50 years, it was until September in 2001 (few days before the 50th anniversary) that the treaty was for the first time since its signing invoked. Since then Australia has increasingly gotten involved with the United States and its activities. We will write a custom essay sample on Arguments for and against Australia’s Alliance with the United States or any similar topic only for you Order Now Not only did Australia join the American-led coalitions in fighting against Iraq and Afghanistan but also signed a free trade agreement with the United States, a development that both governments perceive to be most significant in the bilateral relationship since the ANZUS Treaty that binds Australia, the United States and New Zealand. ANZUS’s also separately binds the United States and Australia to cooperate and assist each other on matters of defence in the Pacific region. More developments have however been made on this treaty with current understanding implying that the cooperation relates to attacks in any area globally. These events, developments have however prompted a debate in Australia about what the nature of the United States’ power and what its expectations from the alliance are. The costs and benefits of the close ties, military as well as economic with the United States are also being hotly debated in Australia. Critics of the formation of the free trade area perceive it to be a way of killing the country more than developing it . In spite of all these doubts and criticisms of the alliance, there are those who believe that this alliance places Australia in a privileged position with the world’s greatest if not the only remaining superpower which has large and potentially enormous benefits that would enhance Australia’s economic strength and its national security . The Australia-United States alliance is not just any ordinary alliance. There are not many alliances that last up to fifty ears and even exceed it. Very few alliances have ramifications that go beyond military and diplomatic affairs into economic, social, cultural and political affairs as this alliance . The Australia-America alliance has developed such that in its own right, it can be described as a political institution that is more like a monarchy or a political party. Those charged with the responsibility of managing such an institution constantly face the challenges of assessing and ascertaining the elements that need to be changed so that they adapt to meeting changing circumstances and those that must be maintained constant . In the case of this alliance, those responsible for its management must ensure that it retains support of the opinion of both the government and the public of the two countries. Since the signing of this agreement, the Americans, with the exception of the Nixon administration have been comfortable and secure with the alliance. The Australian politicians regardless of the criticisms and opposition to the alliance while in opposition have invariably kept the alliance when they got to the office. This is because they have witnessed the consistent benefits of the alliance which they perceive to outweigh the political costs and/or military risks of any of the subservience that the might of Washington is alleged to have. Australia’s position in the Southeast Asia and South Pacific enables it to have a defense posture that is self reliant which enhances mutual security between the two countries in the alliance . The United States has guaranteed security to this posture and access to its intelligence, weapons, defense science and support with military logistics. This has also enhanced the status of Australia in global affairs and particularly in Asia. The Australian public opinion is the one that has raised questions over the durability of this alliance. Public opinion matters so much that in 1984, Paul Wolforwitz, the then US assistant secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, reminded the Australian audience (both the public and the government) that the most significant task in management of an alliance was to constantly nurture public support . His remarks though diplomatically phrased were a message to the Australian government about the country’s public opinion and its significance. The current debate on this alliance is therefore due to public opinion which determines the period the alliance might last. This paper therefore seeks to study the prevailing debate on the Australia/America alliance and critically analyse the arguments for and against the alliance. Arguments for Australia’s Alliance with the United States One of the arguments used in support the Australian-United States alliance is the security guarantee that is promised by the United States. This promise guarantee includes the terms that were agreed upon in the Australia, New Zealand, United States Security Treaty (ANZUS Treaty) in 1951 in which the two countries committed themselves to acting together to deal with common dangers . This treaty also binds the united states to aiding Australia in the event it faces a major strategic threat and vice versa. Australia is confident that it is safe and can rely on the United States for help in the event it needs them. It can be argued this reasoning is based on the fact that the United States is the most powerful nation in the world. Having the support of a superpower increases the probability of Australia winning any security confrontation it might face. This is because the United States has all the necessary resources required to counter an attack in the event of one. Another reason as to why those who support the alliance count on the guaranteed security of the United States is because of the fact that Australia has been there for the United States when most needed. Australia responded to this agreement by evoking it in September 2001 after the terrorist attacks on the United States. Australia did so by supporting the United States attack against Afghanistan and sent its forces to fight alongside those of the US in an effort to contain terrorism. You read "Arguments for and against Australia’s Alliance with the United States" in category "Argumentative essays" The fact that Australians sent their soldiers to bleed and even die alongside the Americans in pursuit for its security justifies their reasoning and reliance on the United States to step in when it is needed . Australia, sharing the same view that spread of weapons of mass destruction is threat to humanity and should be not be encouraged sent its army to fight in the United states led war against Iraq after it was suspected of producing weapons of mass destruction. Australia has been faithful to the agreement for over fifty years. It has fulfilled it part by participating in joint defence facilities and supporting a number of the United States’ very critical and most sensitive strategic capabilities. These capabilities include systems that are related to collection of intelligence, early warning of ballistic missile, submarine and satellite-based communications . Australia has also responded to humanitarian needs by the United States like sending its forces to help during the Katrina and Tsunami disasters. Australia’s actions have showed commitment to the alliance over the years by going to America’s aid when they were needed. In regard to this, Australia expects the United States to take any security threats to the country as seriously as Australia did when the United States’ security was threatened. Recent development however seem to challenge this argument for support of the alliance. Over the years, Australia has not been involved in any wars individually but currently faces security threats from the rising China . China is perceived to be enhancing and growing its military power through modernization at a pace that is very fast. The nature of the scope and structure of this military development in China have been a cause of concern to its neighbours especially since China has done very little to explain the aims and agenda of its military plans . China has also not done much to build the confidence of its neighbours in its military developments. It is perceived that china is going to be Asia’s strongest military power and the fact that it is not explaining the purposes of its military plans creates the idea that China is preparing for a future confrontation that is bigger than the conflict over Taiwan with its neighbours. Australia perceives china to be a potential future threat to its security and has responded by preparing its forces and arming itself to face the challenge in case it arises. The United States is however seems not to be committed to assisting Australia prepare for this potential war. It has either cancelled, delayed, postponed and shrinked the delivery of weapons and war technology such as the F-22 program, aircraft carrier fleet, new cruisers and procurement of new bombers to Australia. In other words, the United States is reluctant to give Australia the services it would need to counter china in the event of a threat . These events challenge the reasoning of the supporters of the alliance based on the fact that the United States will honour the agreement of the treaty as they imply that the United States might not be so ready to engage in a war that does not concern it. This is in spite of all that Australia has done in the past to assist it in its security threats. Another argument for support of the alliance is that Australia will have the privileged access to advanced science and technology especially in areas that concern defence . The United States is as developed and industrialised nation is known to be advanced in technology in all areas and more so in security and defense issues. Being an ally to such a nation implies that in the event the less fortunate country can enjoy the privilege of accessing these technologies which are not available to other countries that have no relationship with it. Less powerful nations have used the same strategy to benefit from the technology that superpowers have and it can be said that this is the reasoning this argument is based on. However, it would be worth to remember that the United States and any other nation for that matter can not easily give away its technology to a foreign country no matter how close the ties are. Each country always strives to be better equipped technologically than others so as to remain powerful and competitive. The United States is also known to be resistant in arming other nations as it delights in claiming that it advocates for peace. This is also clear in the way the Obama administration is reluctant in letting Australia acquire the weapons and technology it needs to arm itself against the potential threats that China poses to its security. In regard to this it can be said that the argument for support of the alliance that is based on the reasoning that Australia will benefit by having access to the United States’ advanced technology is vague as this access is not guaranteed. The other argument for the alliance is that Australia will have exceptional and unlimited access to the high-level American policy makers who will give them advice on political, military and diplomatic affairs . It is common knowledge that the United States has some of the best strategies in these areas and has been able to develop due to the implementation of these strategies. The United States is argued to be the most democratic country in the world hence most politically stable. The United States also has one of the best diplomatic strategies that have enabled it to have good relations with its neighbours and other countries world wide which is good for the social and economic development of the nation as it enhances trade, tourism and other exchange programs. Being an ally to the United States will therefore enable Australia to borrow some of the policies and strategies hence apply them in the mentioned areas enhancing its stability and development. Moreover, the geographical positioning of Australia requires it to have these strategies especially the military and diplomatic ones in order to survive . It however is of worth to note that not all of the United States policies and strategies are desirable. Some of its military policies particularly ones on war against terrorism and its operations in Iraq have raised several questions amongst humanitarians causing it to be accused of violating human rights and being discriminative. Not all US policies are good and care needs to be taken when deciding on which ones to borrow. Australians who support the alliance also argue that it will enable Australia to benefit from results of the American intelligence agencies . On addition to the American intelligence agencies using modern advanced technology in their operations, their agents also are some of the best trained in the world. This implies that the country can easily dictate threats to its security or that of its allies and warn them. Australian figures that due to its geographical position that is close to Asia and the fact that it has constantly supported the United States in its war against terror makes it vulnerable to attacks . Having a powerful friend with advanced intelligence agency would enable it to detect threats and mitigate them or prepare adequately to ace them. Australians who use this reasoning to support the alliance expect the United States to warn them of impending threats and dangers. Intelligence agencies are however more committed to the security of their country and might not concentrate on that one of their allies. This creates opportunity for information to on the allies to slip them. This is to say that being an ally to a nation that has advanced intelligence agencies does not provide full protection. This intelligence can however be borrowed and be used to solve some security challenges and treats by Australia. The other argument for the Australian-American alliance is that it will economically benefit Australia as it will have access to the American Market under the free trade area . Formation of free trade area is one of the strategies that most countries have implemented to enhance their economic development. This is because of the benefits that it has. It creates a large market for goods and services and removes all trade barriers such as revenues and taxes promoting business. Free trade area will enable Australia to get access to American produced goods and services at lower prices. Australia will be able to sell its produce to the larger America n market without incurring the cost of taxes and revenues . This promotes international trade which contributes greatly to economic development. Free trade area however has its weaknesses especially when it is between a weak and a powerful nation that is industrialised. This is because it easily ‘kills’ the local industry as cost of production might be cheaper in the more industrialised countries causing their products to be cheaper hence denying the local products a chance in the market as they can not compete in terms of price . Arguments against Australia’s Alliance with the United States One of the strongest arguments against the alliance is that the United States take Australia’s commitment for granted . Australians who are opposed to the alliance based on this reasoning are justified to do so. This is because as explained earlier, Australia has been very faithful and committed to the ANZUS treaty. Australia has stood by the United States and responded when needed in facing threats to security such as terrorist and production of weapons of mass production hence supported the United States in its war against Afghanistan and Iraq respectively . Australia has supported and fought alongside the United States in other wars before this one as well such as Vietnam and the Second World War. Over the years, Australia has not faced any major threats to its national security hence has not been in need of military and defense help from the united states. Recent military developments in china however pose a great threat to Australia’s security which the united states refuses to acknowledge and is even reluctant in letting Australia acquire the technology and weapons it needs that will enable it to counter attacks from china in the event they occur. It can be argued that the reluctance of the US to assist Australia prepare itself for potential future attacks to its security justifies the opposition to alliance and the claim that the US has been taking Australia’s assistance for granted . However, the reason the United States is reluctant to avail these weapons and technology to Australia could be that being a nation that advocates for peace and democracy, it does not want to contradict itself by arming one nation against another. The other argument against this alliance is that it renders Australia completely dependent on the United States . This can be argued to be true based on the study of the way Australia has over the years supported the United States always expecting something in return because it is a more powerful nation. Continual support of this alliance implies continual dependency on the United States which is not right as each country should strive to be independent . However, it can also be argued that each country needs the support of others in order to develop and getting this support from a superpower is the best thing that can happen to a less powerful nation because of the because of the advantages that come with it. Other individuals opposed to the alliance argue that the creation of a free trade area is ‘killing’ the country (Australia) . We could argue that this argument is completely justified. Free trade area implies that the goods and services produced within the member states can be traded freely without any trade barriers or restrictions. Free trade areas can however have a negative impact on local industries and cause some of them to completely shut down. This happens when the cost of production is lower in one of the countries in the block due to availability of raw materials in that country or low cost of energy. The goods produced in such a country usually are priced low when they come to the free market. Countries that produce the same goods but at a higher cost, are hence forced to stop producing as they can not afford to sell them at low prices without making massive loses. The fact that they can not beat the cheaply produced goods in the market forces these industries to shut down hence ‘killing’ the country. Free trade areas however have several advantages; they have the potential of producing large per capita such as the one produced by NATO, increasing employment opportunities, promoting trade between the member countries hence enhancing economic development. Conclusion It is predicted for the foreseeable future that Australia will remain one of the committed allies of the United States. Both Canberra and Washington have the same views on fighting the war against terrorism, dealing with and curbing the spread and production of weapons of mass destruction that threatens the security of the humanity, supporting and upholding democracy and preventing the re-emergence of failed states. The challenges faced by Australia in its own neighbourhood however have the first priority when dealing with these issues. As the United States is comfortable with the alliance, maintaining support for it hence overly depends on how successful the strategies taken by Washington will be in convincing the Australian government and public that the United States policies are necessary as well as legitimate. The Australian public will also have to be convinced that the United States does not take its contribution to mutual security for granted. Obstacles to good relations in this alliance could arise in the event the United States makes demands that are politically difficult on Australia in combating of terror, or if the US sought from Australia military support that forced risks that are unacceptable to Australia or one that drew the country into a major conflict with China over Taiwan. Differing views on security challenges that emanate from a rising China is perceived to be the alliance’s greatest potential threat. How to cite Arguments for and against Australia’s Alliance with the United States, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Mccarthyism in the Crucible free essay sample

Both in Salem, Massachusetts and the country of Oceania, its residents had to follow strict laws without question. For example, in Salem everyone was expected to know their Ten Commandments and to not know it would be counted as being a non-puritan. When John Proctor is asked to recall his Ten Commandments, he forgets adultery. Reverend Hale at this point while having a deep thought and with a worried face lets Proctor know that even something like that cannot be counted as a small thing and excused as it is the duty for every puritan to know this. Things like this were not accepted in a superstitious society like Salem. This made the society Of Salem no different to the society of Oceania as both societies thought that to have a perfect society meant that the people had to sacrifice their free will in exchange. The people of Salem woke up, went to church, worked, and slept as an everyday cycle of life. We will write a custom essay sample on Mccarthyism in the Crucible or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In Oceania, where people are controlled and oppressed by the Party, led by the Big Brother, free speech, rebellious and independent thought are forbidden.People who fail to abide by the strict laws are taken away by the Thought Police and punished severely for disobeying the Party. In 1984, the main character Winston Smith, is employed as a records editor. Disliking the current government, he starts a journal of his rebellious thoughts against the Party. If discovered, this journal will result in his execution. To be safe, Winston only writes when safe from the view of the surveying telecasters. Although McCarthy is evident in both The Crucible and 1 984, the authors convey McCarthy a bit differently in both stories.One difference is that The Crucible was set in a different time and with a different type of system or government controlling he society. Although both had strict laws that its residents had to abide by without question, 1984 had a totalitarian government that was tightly controlled and everyone was monitored closely, while in The Crucible was set in a time of superstition and religious extremism that controlled the day today choices of life. In The Crucible, girls accused others for having relations with the devil.The accused would then be sent to trial, most often, the accused would find themselves guilty for something they did not commit, and be sentences to death or imprisonment. In 1984, when en was found to be disobeying the strict laws set in Oceania, such as when Winston was found to be in a love affair with another of the main characters Julia, he was taken away by the Thought Police to be tortured brutally. Winston torturer quizzes Winston asking him how many fingers he was holding up, Winston replies four as he is being constantly tortured. Four, Stop it, stop I it! How can you go on? Four! Four! How many fingers, Winston? Five! Five! Five! This time the exclamation marks show the pain and weakening of Winston individualist beliefs. The last sentence, he cries out Five! Five! Five! which was the point he had given up. The pain, for believing in something he wanted to believe had only brought him pain and us offering; Arthur Miller and George Orwell have similar views towards the theme of Power and Authority Both readings also show how easily power can be corrupted.Millers views of rebellion was that if there is something wrong being done in front of your eyes and if you have a chance of making it right, you should because if a system is corrupted, this needs to be pointed out to people. Orwell on the other hand tries to show that if we dont question our government or head of states for every decision they make, it could be a fatal mistake because once they have got control of everything; as demonstrated in the 1 984, there it is nearly impossible to change things to the way it was. Rebellion was shown by Winston even though he knew there was no change he could bring by going against the party. In 1 984 Winston tried to stand up for what was right, but it was no use because the party was much stronger than one person, Winston himself. Unlike Proctor who had his free will and made his own decision to die trying, Winston didnt eave a choice of not rebelling as he didnt have the same free will that Proctor had.Both the Crucible and 1 984 concerns with society, in The Crucible it shows that people were free in its society, while in 1 984, it shows that individual free will was a danger to the party and was not allowed in its society. In Conclusion , it is clear that McCarthy is evident in both the play The Crucible and the novel 1 984 although conveyed a bit differently one can find some similarities regarding McCarthy in both readings. In both The Crucible and 1984 , its residents must follow strict saws affecting their everyday life.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Why do economists use models, and to what extent is it important that these models are realistic Example For Students

Why do economists use models, and to what extent is it important that these models are realistic? One of the main reasons as to why we construct models is because we wish to know why something is as it is. We use these models all the time to decide how to act, not only in economics but also in real life. For example because we know that fire burns we tend not to put our hands in a flame. In economics however these models are used obviously for economic understanding and to act upon the findings. In economics there are two types of models a positive model and a normative model. A positive model deals with facts and figures, which can be proven whereas when using normative models you tend to find that they deal with the way things ought to be. The main type of model for solving problems and looking at the economy are the positive models. The basic use of an economic model is to help economists to understand and predict a large number of economic problems such as unemployment and inflation. Economic models are usually based on real life situations, although they are often simplified in order for the economists to obtain a greater understanding of the problem or situation. Models help economists because they can explain a very complex problem in a very straightforward way. Models are used in everyday life, not just in economics. We will write a custom essay on Why do economists use models, and to what extent is it important that these models are realistic? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now For example road maps of Britain are simplified models because they only show the main roads and give a rough shape of a city, whereas in A-Zs of a particular city, the maps show every road even the really small insignificant ones. Looking at models like this show us how models can be used to help the understanding of a situation because of someone was wishing to travel from Sheffield to London, they probably wouldnt use A-Zs of every area they went through, but instead they would use a road map, which only depicted the main roads. In economics terms this means that if an economist was generally looking at a problem he would use a model to get the basic idea of what the situation is and to highlight the main points of this problem. Models are very valuable resources to economists because not only do they portray a problem they also manipulate the recipients mind into a certain way of thinking. This mode of thought helps the economist not only in that particular example, but also in every problem they are faced with. This is because economists dont have to learn every single model ever made in order to become a good scholar, but it is helpful to have the skill of interpreting the majority of models that they come across. A single model helps to do this because if you can interpret one model you can usually cope with other examples. Although models can display problems in an understandable way they are not extremely realistic because they tend to concentrate on a specific area of a problem and then distort that point to make it more understandable. This means, in most cases, that in order to find out about the whole problem economists sometimes need to use a number of different models in order to solve one issue. Most people would expect that if a model were wore realistic then it would be of greater use to economists. This is not usually the case because in the real world most of the problems economist face are very ambiguous in that the real economy is not a straightforward system. Although models dont need to be entirely accurate they still rely on the fact that there is some element of certainty within them. If models were entirely fictional they would be of little use to economists, apart from portraying the perception, of that issue, by the models author. .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d , .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d .postImageUrl , .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d , .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d:hover , .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d:visited , .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d:active { border:0!important; } .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d:active , .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1c14db3a2027d8c7f65d058a5840de7d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Two Strong and Brave Women EssayTo summarise, the use and accuracy of models, here is a list of some of their main functions: ; Models may be used to predict the future. In this case it is unimportant if they are completely realistic because the value of the models should be judged in terms of its capability to foresee the future. ; Models may be used to analyse certain groups of individuals. This type of model is generalising the group of individuals so if one certain individual acts differently from the way stated by the model, it doesnt mean that the model is inaccurate because individuals will tend to behave in contrasting ways to the group. Models can be used to portray the workings of a market or an economy. In this case the fact that the predictions of the model are unrealistic is not particularly important because the detail may be realistic, in the model, but it may not be able to foretell the future. If the model is normative then obviously the realism is trivial due to the fact that is depicting what ought to be happening. Models that are very simple may still be useful because the assumptions raised by it may be powerful but simple conclusions. Good models, which are of the up most importance to economists, contain relevant insights into the problem even if this means that they have to modify what actually occurs in the real world, this gives a more in depth understanding of the issue at hand. Also the best models are usually the simplest due to the fact that they are easy to construe.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Tokai Earthquake of the Future

The Tokai Earthquake of the Future The great Tokai Earthquake of the 21st century has not happened yet, but Japan has been getting ready for it for over 30 years. All of Japan is earthquake country, but its most dangerous part is on the Pacific coast of the main island Honshu, just southwest of Tokyo. Here the Philippine Sea plate is moving under the Eurasia plate in an extensive subduction zone. From studying centuries of earthquake records, Japanese geologists have mapped out segments of the subduction zone that seem to rupture regularly and repeatedly. The part southwest of Tokyo, underlying the coast around Suruga Bay, is called the Tokai segment. Tokai Earthquake History The Tokai segment last ruptured in 1854, and before that in 1707. Both events were great earthquakes of magnitude 8.4. The segment ruptured in comparable events in 1605 and in 1498. The pattern is pretty stark: a Tokai earthquake has happened about every 110 years, plus or minus 33 years. As of 2012, it has been 158 years and counting. These facts were put together in the 1970s by Katsuhiko Ishibashi. In 1978, the legislature adopted the Large-Scale Earthquake Countermeasures Act. In 1979, the Tokai segment was declared an area under intensified measures against earthquake disaster. Research began into the historic earthquakes and tectonic structure of the Tokai area. Widespread, persistent public education raised awareness about the expected effects of the Tokai Earthquake. Looking back and visualizing forward, we are not trying to predict the Tokai Earthquake at a specific date  but to clearly foresee it before it happens. Worse than Kobe, Worse than Kanto Professor Ishibashi is now at the University of Kobe, and perhaps that name rings a bell: Kobe was the site of a devastating quake in 1995 that the Japanese know as the Hanshin-Awaji earthquake. In Kobe alone, 4571 persons died and more than 200,000 were housed in shelters; in total, 6430 people were killed. More than 100,000 houses collapsed. Millions of homes lost water, power, or both. Some $150 billion in damage was recorded. The other benchmark Japanese quake was the Kanto earthquake of 1923. That event killed more than 120,000 people. The Hanshin-Awaji earthquake was magnitude 7.3. Kanto was 7.9. But at 8.4, the Tokai Earthquake will be substantially larger. Tracking The Tokai Segment With Science The seismic community in Japan is monitoring the Tokai segment at depth as well as watching the level of the land above it. Below, researchers map a large patch of the subduction zone where the two sides are locked; this is what will let loose to cause the quake. Above, careful measurements show that the land surface is being dragged down as the lower plate puts strain energy into the upper plate. Historical studies have capitalized on records of the tsunamis caused by past Tokai earthquakes. New methods allow us to partially reconstruct the causative event from the wave records. Preparation for the Next Tokai Earthquake The Tokai Earthquake is visualized in scenarios used by emergency planners. They need to create plans for an event that will likely cause about 5800 deaths, 19,000 serious injuries, and nearly 1 million damaged buildings in Shizuoka Prefecture alone. Large areas will be shaken at intensity 7, the highest level in the Japanese intensity scale. The Japanese Coast Guard recently produced unsettling tsunami animations for the major harbors in the epicentral region. The Hamaoka nuclear power plant sits where the hardest shaking is foreseen. The operators have begun further strengthening of the structure; based on the same information, popular opposition to the plant has increased. In the aftermath of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, the plants very future existence is clouded. Weaknesses of the Tokai Earthquake Warning System Most of this activity does good, but some aspects can be criticized. First is its reliance on the simple recurrence model of earthquakes, which is based on studies of the historical record. More desirable would be a physical recurrence model based on understanding the physics of the earthquake cycle, and where the region sits in that cycle, but that is still not well known. Also, the law set up an alert system that is less robust than it seems. A panel of six senior seismologists is supposed to assess the evidence and tell the authorities to make a public warning announcement when the Tokai Earthquake is imminent within hours or days. All the drills and practices that follow (for instance, freeway traffic is supposed to slow to 20 kph) assume that this process is scientifically sound, but in fact, theres no consensus on what evidence actually foreshadows earthquakes. In fact, a previous chairman of this Earthquake Assessment Committee, Kiroo Mogi, resigned his position in 1996 over this and other flaws in the system. He reported its grave issues in a 2004 paper in Earth Planets Space. Maybe a better process will be enacted someday- hopefully, ​long before the next Tokai Earthquake.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Direct Managers Letter of Recommendation for an Employee

Direct Manager's Letter of Recommendation for an Employee SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What does a good recommendation letter look like? Below you’ll find a sample letter written by a direct manager for an employee who works in software sales. If you’re responsible for managing or leading a team, chances are you’ll be called upon to write similar letters. Read on to see how this manager endorses one member of his sales team, and then check out the breakdown of what this letter does well. Sample Letter #1: Written by a Manager for a Full-Time Employee Ms. Greta JohanssenSales ManagerStreambase Corp.66 Western BoulevardSanta Fe, New Mexico 87500 Dear Ms. Johanssen, It’s my pleasure to provide this letter of recommendation for James as he seeks employment in software sales with Streambase. As James’s sole direct manager at Waretech, I’ve worked closely with him over the past three years, sharing the same open office space the majority of the time. James showed excellent communication skills and consistently exceeded company quotas. On a personal level, he’s charismatic and well-spoken, both qualities that have served him well in his role as software sales professional. Due to his wife’s cross-country transfer, James is seeking employment out west. All of us at Waretech will be sad to see such a valuable employee go, but our loss is truly your gain. Allow me to point out three examples of James’s strengths. First, James brought great value to Waretech by consistently exceeding quotas and selling in the top 15% of his peers. James has an understanding of market trends and instincts for identifying and pursuing qualified leads. Not only does he provide stellar service to existing clients, but he’s established a number of new business-to-business and business-to-customer accounts during his time at Waretech. Last fall, for instance, he added Voxacorp to our client list, a huge acquisition, and has been working closely with its IT department ever since. James has the combination of business acumen and communication skills that makes him an outstanding salesperson. Second, James has a very strong grasp of technology. He knows our software inside and out and helps relay technical information to customers in an accessible way. He explains our products clearly to customers and makes the most of technological avenues to gain new leads and customize his sales pitch to clients. During an early review, I observed him discuss in detail with a prospective client the specific ways that our software could boost the sales of her online bakery. By monitoring clients’ presence across our website and blog, he provides each one with personalized service to meet his/her needs. James makes the most of technology to find new prospects, provide modern solutions, and drive results. Finally, James has proven himself to be a strong cultural fit here at Waretech. He’s always ready to lend a helping hand to his teammates and contributes during brainstorming sessions and meetings between the sales and marketing teams. Last month, James co-led an enlightening meeting on content marketing and account management. Outside of official events, James also takes turns leading weekly spin classes at our in-house gym. James is an active member of the Waretech team and supports his colleagues professionally and personally (not to mention athletically!). In closing, I’d like to restate my strong support for James’s application to the role of software sales professional with Streambase. I’m confident that he will surpass your expectations in this new role. James is driven, self-confident, proactively helpful, and smart, and I know he will continue to find success in sales. Please feel free to contact me at (866) 8-5546 or ssaasman@waretech.com with any other questions. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Samuel SaasmanSales ManagerWaretech, Inc.ssaasman@waretech.com(866) 8-5546 Based on this letter, should James pack his bags and get ready to move out west? Recommendation Letter 1: The Breakdown This first recommendation letter sample represents a common type of letter,one written by a direct manager for an employee who’s applying to a new company. Right off the bat, the writer gives a strong statement of support for James by saying that it’s his great pleasure to provide the recommendation. If he started by simply saying, â€Å"I am writing this letter of recommendation for James,† it wouldn’t have quite the same impact. Samuel Saasman incorporates the first key feature of strong letters by stating who he is and how he got to know James. He also indicates the reason that James is applying elsewhere. Including this information can be useful for the hiring manager, especially if it’s followed by a statement of support like, â€Å"Our loss is truly your gain.† Samuel structures his letter by presenting three of James’s major strengths: his sales record, his use of technology, and his relationships with his co-workers. This structure can be an effective one for recommendation letters; some writers might choose to use bullet points to clarify their thinking. Samuel writes about James’s qualifications while incorporating specific examples in each paragraph to illustrate his work performance. Since James is applying to a similar position in software sales, all of the strengths described relate directly to the requirements of his target job. Samuel recommends James with highly positive language. He repeats his strong support of James several times and his confidence in his future success. He seems to have chosen with words carefully, using strong descriptors like â€Å"charismatic,† â€Å"driven,† and â€Å"proactively helpful.† As is the custom for recommendation letters, he concludes by inviting the hiring manager to contact him with any further questions. Overall, Samuel writes a glowing letter for James’s application to a new job in software sales. His high opinion is evident, and his examples prove that James has the qualifications to excel in his next position. What's Next? Ready for the next recommendation letter sample? Click hear to read a sample letter written by a principal for a teacher applying to a new school. Want to learn more? If you want to readabout what goes into a strong letter of recommendation or find additional samples, you can head tothe full guide here. Want to provide a strong recommendation for your employee, but don't have the time to craft the perfect letter? PrepScholar's new recommendation tool, SimpleRec, takes you from good intentions and a blank page to a fully written and formatted letter of recommendation in under 5 minutes. All you need to do is give us some simple pieces of information about your employee and your experience working with them, and we'll do the rest. Try out SimpleRec risk-free today: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Rebecca Safier About the Author Rebecca graduated with her Master's in Adolescent Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has years of teaching and college counseling experience and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals and improve their well-being. She graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University and scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hinduism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Hinduism - Essay Example e answer to this question can be found in the book â€Å"God is Dead: Secularization in the West†, 2002, wherein Steve Bruce defines religion as â€Å"beliefs, actions and institutions predicated on the existence of entities with power of agency (that is gods) or impersonal powers or processes possessed of moral purpose (the Hindu notion of Karma), which can set the conditions of, or intervene in human affairs†. Thus Karma is an essential component of Steve Bruce’s definition of religion and moral purpose that unites all Hindus. For Hindus the central belief is the never ending cycle of birth and death that an individual has to go through in his earthly existence, till salvation through unification with the Almighty is attained. In these different phases of an existence an individual is likely to commit both good and bad deeds. Karma is the total effect of these good and bad actions, which is the determining factor of the destiny of the individual (Chaudhuri, C. N., 1979). Hinduism is an open religious philosophy that gives its followers to tolerate any other religious beliefs. There are many who believe that Hinduism is more a way of life than a religion. In short this implies that it is the cultural and societal influences of Hinduism that are more important than the rigid religious beliefs. This aspect of Hinduism becomes extremely valid for the sub-continent of India, where Hinduism originated. The region is one of the most densely populated regions of the world. This population is made up of diverse religions in varying proportions with Hindus being the dominant religious grouping by far. Hinduism has provided to beneficial factors for the region. In the first place it as extremely tolerant religion on the basis of its nature, and thus religious minorities by far have not been subjected to domination by the Hindus. On the contrary in India the minority religious groups are recipients of special benefits from the administration just because they a re a

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Manufactured Operations in China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Manufactured Operations in China - Research Paper Example There is an abundance of labor in China due to the fact that the country has the highest population in the world. The workers in China are more disciplined than its American counterparts and have higher respect for the job. A major obstacle to doing business in China is that companies must abide by the governmental rules of a communist nation. Companies that want to expand internationally have to seriously consider expanding to China. Abiding by the governmental rules is a constraint that can be overcome by the abundance of business opportunities for companies operating in China. The business rules of China are not as strict as in the past. Prior to China’s entrance in the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 companies that wanted to penetrate China had to form a 50-50 joint venture with an established Chinese company (Cnn, 2001). Today firms from the United States or other parts of the world can form whole owned subsidiaries in China. I think that the rule that sales in China have to be contingent on a company establishing its operations there is not that bad. Operating a manufacturing center in China is an extremely profitable proposition due to the lower operating costs in comparison with other parts of the world. Exploiting the Chinese retail market is a very beneficial proposition. In China due to the industrialization movement and economic growth there is a growing middle class that is eager to purchase consumer products in order to increase their quality of living. The massive population of China can help any company increase its sales numbers in a short amount of time. Short term gains are very important to increase the immediate profitability of a company. There are opportunities for market penetration in China in many industries. Overcoming the cultural barrier in China is important towards the success of an enterprise that establishes operations there. The majority of Chinese

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Typography and Persuasive Essay Essay Example for Free

Typography and Persuasive Essay Essay A. Write a persuasive essay on: People depend too much on computers. B. Audience: Your college professor C. Position: For or against it? D. Composing your three page persuasive essay: 1. Introduction A. Hook B. Thesis 2. Body (several paragraphs) A. Topic sentence B. Supporting Details C. Transitions 3. Conclusion (a paragraph) A. Restate your main point B. Leave the reader with something to think about Nowadays people use computers in business, public services, education and, most of all, in entertainment. Almost everything we do and every aspect of our life is affected by modern technology with computers above all.   People Depend Too Much on Computers and Technology A. Write a persuasive essay on: People depend too much on computers. B. Audience: Your college professor C. Position: For or against it? D. Composing your three page persuasive essay: 1. Introduction A. Hook B. Thesis 2. Body (several paragraphs) A. Topic sentence B. Supporting Details C. Transitions 3. Conclusion (a paragraph) A. Restate your main point B. Leave the reader with something to think about Nowadays people use computers in business, public services, education and, most of all, in entertainment. Almost everything we do and every aspect of our life is affected by modern technology with computers above all.  People Depend Too Much on Computers and Technology A. Write a persuasive essay on: People depend too much on computers. B. Audience: Your college professor C. Position: For or against it? D. Composing your three page persuasive essay: 1. Introduction A. Hook B. Thesis 2. Body (several paragraphs) A. Topic sentence B. Supporting Details C. Transitions 3. Conclusion (a paragraph) A. Restate your main point B. Leave the reader with something to think about Nowadays people use computers in business, public services, education and, most of all, in entertainment. Almost everything we do and every aspect of  our life is affected by modern technology with computers above all.  People Depend Too Much on Computers and Technology

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Character of Marlow in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness :: Heart Darkness essays

The Character of Marlow in The Heart of Darkness  Ã‚      The Heart of Darkness may just be the title of a book to some people, but I believe that it goes much deeper than that. I think that this title describes the books main character, Charlie Marlow. Throughout this story I saw the many confusing and ever changing sides of Marlow’s character and his heart of darkness.    Charlie Marlow appeared to be a man of great pride and civilization. He always spoke very proper and was a classic example of a man of his time. Throughout this novel though, this painted image I have of Marlow begins to slowly drip away.    There were several instances where I was confused about Marlow. The first one was at the very beginning of the story. Marlow began talking about his childhood and how he had dreamed of becoming a captain or a skipper on one of the glorious steamboats. He went on and on about it in such great detail that you almost began to believe that he was a captain, though he was only a young boy at the time. His determination and love seemed eternal, and nothing was going to take his dream away from him. At least that is what we were lead to believe. Marlow soon grew old and so did his dream. I slowly saw the determination side of Marlow slipping away into the river along with his childhood vision of being a captain. I didn’t think that something like age would stop Marlow from taking on this challenge. After he talked about it so much you would think only death itself would stop him. Unfortunately, Marlow gave up and decided to move on with his life. That was the way it was going to have to be, or so he thought.    I saw Marlow as a seemingly comfortable old man now. He didn’t have his dream job, but he was still well off. One day though Marlow’s fantasy job basically just fell into his lap. A steamboat captain was killed and Marlow was not about to let another soul take this job away from him. He was fixed to get the job, but wasn’t sure how to get it himself This is where I start

Monday, November 11, 2019

Literary Analysis “The Kiss”

In the story â€Å"The Kiss† by Julia Alvarez, we see a family with four daughters, a father and mother. The father, who is old-fashioned and strict, has his own ideas of what he wants from his daughters. The daughters except for Sofia, the youngest one, have always done what he has asked for. Sofia does not agree with her sisters and she does what she wants. She runs away with a man, a decision her father cannot forgive. Although Sofia tries to reconcile with her father with no luck, she lets her father know that she has her own way of thinking.No matter how much the father tries to change Sofia’s way of seeing life, in the end he could not. Trying to control a person does not guarantee that the other person will always do what we want. The father of this story is a strong man, trying to control his daughters as if they were small kids. Even when they were grown-ups and married, he always tried to control them. â€Å"They would gather together, without husbands, would -be husbands, or bring-home work, the apartment was too small for everyone, the father argued. † (Alvarez 416) His daughters will do anything to please their father. Even after they’d been married and had their own families and often couldn’t make it for other occasions, the four daughters always came home for their father’s birthday. † (Alvarez 416) They were raised in an old fashion way, and they respect their father. â€Å"But standing up to their father was a different matter altogether. Even as grown women, they lowered their voices in their father’s earshot when alluding to their bodies’ pleasure. † (Alvarez 416) Sofia was different she had her own way of living and did not agreed with her father. She ran away from her house and since then her relationship with her father was not good.Her father did not forgive her for what she did. â€Å"And yet, she of all the daughters, did not want to be the absent one because for the first time since she’d run off with her husband six years ago, she and her father were on speaking terms. † (Alvarez 417) Sofia had always lived her life as she wanted. She had many boyfriends; she also dropped out of school. Her father could not accept her way of living. He found out after searching into her letters that Sofia had an active sexual life. For him this was not acceptable. â€Å"After his initial shock, the father regained his own fury.Are you dragging my good name through the dirt? † (Alvarez 418) After six years Sofia’s father still could not forgive her. Sofia tries to reconcile with him by preparing her father’s birthday party at her house. Sofia prepared everything to please her dad. But after everything that she did, he would still not forgive her. Sofia let her dad know that she had her own way of doing things and her own way of thinking, and he could not change that after all. â€Å"After all her had work, she was not to be in cluded in his daughter count. Damn him! She’d take her turn and make him know it was her!Quickly, she swooped into the circle and gave the old man a wet, open-mouthed kiss in his ear. She ran her tongue in the whorls of his ear and nibbled the tip. † (Alvarez 422) Sofia was different from her sisters and her father never accepted it. I think this made her attitude worse, and when she found out that he would never forgive her, she did not care anymore, and let him know that she would never change. David T. Mitchell comments: Throughout the novel, numerous commentators remark on the poor fortune of a family that consists entirely of girls–â€Å"what, four girls and no boys? while each daughter struggles to free herself from the limitations of a communal designation that strips them of their uniqueness and individuality. Because the label â€Å"Garcia Girls† stands in for the plural identities submerged beneath the faceless anonymity of daughters (who, unlik e their male counterparts, do not need to be individuated as distinct human beings) â€Å"The novel's second chapter deals with Sofia, the youngest of the sisters, who leaves home when she gets pregnant on a vacation trip to South America, and then goes to Germany to convince the baby's father to marry her.Although the couple returns to the U. S. with the baby, the result of this stain on the family's honor is almost complete silence: their father does not mention Sofia's name for months, and even after a reconciliation of sorts the two rarely speak. † (Castells)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Police Administration Essay

Since the early part of the twentieth century, academicians and criminal justice practitioners have debated whether police officers should be required to have a college education as a minimum qualification to be hired. Today, there is general agreement that a college education will not necessarily make a person a good police officer, but a good police officer can be made better by having one. Many police executives believe formal college education can improve critical thinking skills of officers and that is becoming a more important factor as the complexity of police work continues to increase.1 According to a recent article in Police Chief Magazine â€Å"We expect (police officers) to understand and apply the law evenly. We expect them to grasp the nature of social problems and the psychology of people with different attitudes toward the law. We expect officers to professionally and effectively handle disputes involving people from varying cultural, racial and socioeconomic backgro unds.† 2 The importance of possessing a college degree by police officers seems to have substantial support in the literature. If the need or desire is established for the possession of a college degree by police officers, then how do they get one? Traditionally, a college program involved students attending classes at a â€Å"brick and mortar† campus. This was difficult for many officers that already had substantial work and family commitments. With the advent of online (internet delivered) college programs, it is possible for officers to enter or return to college and pursue a degree where previously it may not have been practical for them to do so. With that being said, does an online program sufficiently address the desirable attributes for police officers that the possession of a college degree represents? Historical Perspective for College Educated Police In 1916, August Vollmer, the former Chief of Police of Berkeley, California, was the first to emphasize the need for police officers to have college  degrees. At about the same time, the University of California at Berkeley began to offer law enforcement related courses.3 In 1931, The National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement (the Wickersham Commission) gave â€Å"national recognition for higher educational standards and more professional police officers.†4 Although the issue of college education for police officers was not specifically addressed, it laid the foundation for subsequent calls to increase educational levels for police. Largely due to Vollmer’s influence, the University of California at Berkeley created a School of Police Administration in 1933, followed shortly thereafter by a similar school at Michigan State University.5 In 1936, Vollmer wrote in his book, The Police in Modern Society, that police officers should be required to have a colleg e education.6 In 1967, the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice made specific recommendations regarding increasing the level of police education. This report was followed by the passage of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, which established the Law Enforcement Education Program (LEEP). LEEP, in part, provided grants and loans to officers to enroll in college and earn their degrees. This infusion of money created a large incentive for institutions to develop academic programs geared toward law enforcement. As police officers began to return to or enter college, some institutions created accelerated or nontraditional programs in criminal justice. Officers could receive credit for experience in related courses and some courses were configured so officers did not have to meet as often as traditional courses. These types of programs were usually administered through the college’s extension program. Today, many public and private institutions offer nontraditional programs that are delivered in the online or e-learning format. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, in the 2000-2001 academic year, forty-eight percent of all four-year Title IV8 degree granting public institutions and thirty-three percent of four-year Title IV degree granting private institutions had degree programs for undergraduates that were to be completed totally through distance learning.9 Today there are an abundance of distance learning programs being marketed to police officers, especially online programs. The flexibility of the course schedule makes it attractive to busy students. Police officers can do their course work when it is convenient for them and some courses are designed to  be completed at the student’s own pace. Many departments have made strides in requiring some college education as a prerequisite for hiring but most have not. The high school diploma still exists as the most common minimum educational requirement. Even where departments have not required a college degree for hiring, many require or make it desirable to possess a degree for promotion. As early as 1989, the benefits to having educated officers were noted to include:10 †¢ Greater knowledge of procedures, functions, and principles †¢ Better appreciation of their professional role and it’s importance in the criminal justice system as well as in society †¢ More desirable psychological make-up, which includes such qualities as alertness, empathy, flexibility, initiative, and intelligence †¢ Greater range of interpersonal skills centered in their ability to communicate, to be responsive to others, and to exercise benevolent leadership †¢ Greater ability to analyze situations, to exercise discretion independently, and to make judicious decisions †¢ Strong moral character, which reflects a sense of conscience and the qualities of honesty, reliability, and tolerance †¢ More desirable system of personal values consistent with the police function in a democratic society Even back in 1978, though, researchers expressed reservations about the quality of criminal justice programs. The rapid increase in program offerings seemed to make some institutions gear their courses more vocationally than academically. Some recommendations were made to overcome what was perceived as major quality problems in college programs developed for police officers. In addition to perceived quality problems in criminal justice programs, there was a concern that police officers would take college courses just to get the degree. In 1979, Goldstein stated, â€Å"The factor that makes the whole movement toward college education for police personnel most vulnerable to attack is the emphasis which has been put on the acquisition of college credentials without sufficient concern for what is to be learned. Given the multitude of colleges and the number of people who attend them, the degree itself reflects little about the values or relevance of the educational experience.†11 Clearly, the need to ensure that a college program is delivering the appropriate academic curriculum is  critical. In the past, an officer attended a local school and it was more than likely regionally accredited. Today, online colleges can market themselves across the United States or even internationally, claiming accreditation from some official sounding group. Accreditation, curriculum, and instructor competence are all of critical importance in a college program. More than a decade ago, researchers articulated considerations that would be relevant as one considers the potential quality of an educational program. The recommendations included:12 †¢ No college credit should be given for police academy and similar training †¢ Technical and professional police subjects should be limited to a maximum of twenty-five percent of any curriculum †¢ A four-year baccalaureate degree should be the minimum educational qualification for entry into police service †¢ No one should be considered qualified to be a faculty member on the basis of experience alone †¢ Police education faculty should be held to the same standards as other college professors (i.e. Ph.D., master’s degree minimum; involvement in research and publication) These issues among others were discussed by a group of criminal justice related experts who were brought together in a nominal group setting to discuss online education and its potential effect on the future of law enforcement. The Nominal Group Panel As part of a California Peace Officer Standards and Training Command College project, a panel of interested professionals was formed to discuss future trends and events that may have an effect on law enforcement online educational programs in the next five years. It consisted of a Chief of Police of a medium sized police department, a professor who teaches online courses for a major public university and at a local community college, a deputy district attorney, a police officer who is a former high school teacher, a police officer who is a member of the executive board for a police officers association, the criminal justice program coordinator for the local community college, the editor of the local weekly newspaper, and a  counselor for a youth diversion program. There was consensus among the panel members that it is important for police officers to have a college education, and to possess the appropriate degree. The panel felt that a college education earned the traditional way (attending classes at a brick and mortar institution) was the best preparation for a person to be a police officer. The discussion included many of the issues published by researchers and criminal justice practitioners since the 1930’s. The panel felt it was critical for police officers to be socialized with diversified groups of people and exposed to differing viewpoints. The requisite skills of tact and diplomacy learned in a physically social environment, effective public speaking, and command presence are attributes that are learned and reinforced in a traditional educational setting. The panel recognized it may be difficult for a police officer to pursue a traditional degree due to family and work obligations. So what is this officer to do? Many of the officers returning to college or entering college for the first time have turned to online college programs. The panel concluded the flexibility of online educational programs was a tremendous opportunity for current police officers due to the demands of their course schedule. They also understood there was a proliferation of programs being marketed to police officers through police websites or law enforcement related magazines. Legitimate accreditation was a key concern about such programs. The panel members expressed that testing-retained knowledge could be problematic since testing is done in the same delivery format as coursework, and all tests were essentially open book. With regard to the value of such programs, panel members believed that a college degree earned through online programs was different than a college degree earned traditionally. The panel believed that criminal justice practitioners were overused in criminal justice programs especially in online programs. Their concern was the overall value of the college degree since true academic professors were not doing the teaching. They felt that for some disciplines, such as engineering, mathematics or history, an online program was sufficient. But when it came to being a police officer, class attendance and contact with other students face-to-face was preferred. The panel agreed, however, that much of what is done in a traditional setting could be done  online, such as submittal of written reports or studies and coursework assignments. The panel also felt that too much academic credit was given for experience in police work through online programs. The panel felt that rather than rely on a purely online program for an officer to obtain a four-year undergraduate degree, a cross or hybrid approach, with a traditional program could bring the desired benefits of both delivery methods. The Educational Hybrid Amy Fanter, a researcher in the field of hybrid education, noted that â€Å"Hybrid instruction, or hybrid courses refer to classes where there is a carefully planned blend of both traditional classroom instruction and online learning activities.†13 According to criminal justice researchers and practitioners (and supported by the expert panel) the most effective collegiate preparation for police officers are settings inclusive of a social environment. They should be exposed to other racial, ethnic, and diverse groups in an arena where ideas are broached, concepts discussed, and conflict is resolved through dialogue, research, and consensus. Many components of any particular course can be done using the online system (such as writing book reports, completing written requirements and posting of thoughts on issues). If a class was required to meet for a certain amount of time every week or every two weeks, or even once a month to be tested on retained knowledge, to be challenged by other students on stances taken on issues, to participate by speaking about issues, and so on, then the socializing of the officer can be effectively satisfied. No matter how effective, a distance learning program not offering this option will impact skills that might only be gained in this type of setting. Using a hybrid approach for coursework would allow for the flexibility of online educational programs and meet the some of the critical benefits of traditional programs. Those that may advocate for pure e-learning should remain mindful of the â€Å"soft skills† necessary for the modern law enforcement officer, and the best opportunities to acquire them. Conclusion The desire for a police officer to have a college education appears settled.  National commissions, criminal justice professional associations, academicians, attorneys, and courts have all expressed this view. The question remains; how does the individual peace officer best do it? Attending the traditional college program at a brick and mortar campus seems to be the preferred way. This method may not be practical for some officers, so the alternative of the hybrid approach should be considered. It blends many of the positives from both traditional and online programs. Certainly, there may be situations where even a hybrid approach is not practical. It seems Vollmer and many others would support an online program to gain at least the concepts and critical thinking skills a collegiate education offers. Progressive police agencies may take the lead to shape their future by entering into a partnership with a local public or private institution to develop a hybrid program to be implemented for their staff. In any case, police management should encourage officers and employees to return to college to earn their four-year degree. The result will be better staff and officers, and a better chance to meet the needs of today and tomorrow. ENDNOTES 1 Bueermann, Jim, â€Å"Redlands, California,† The Police Chief, August 2006, accessed February 1, 2007, available at www.policechiefmagazine.org 2 Bowman, Theron, â€Å"The Chief’s Perspective: Demolishing the Recruitment Myth,† The Police Chief, August 2006, accessed February 1, 2007, available at www.policechiefmagazine.org 3 Travis, Jeremy, â€Å"Education in Law Enforcement: Beyond the College Degree.† An address presented to the Center for Research in Law and Justice, Chicago, February 10, 1995, accessed December 19, 2006, available at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij/speeches/police.htm 4 Carter, David, Sapp, Allen, and Stephens, Darrel, The State of Police Education: Policy Direction for the 21st Century, (Washington, D.C., 1989) 1 5 Carter, David, Sapp, Allen, and Stephens, Darrel, The State of Police Education: Policy Direction for the 21st Century, (Washington, D.C., 1989) 4 6 Coons, Jeffrey, â€Å"Studies, Case Law, Quotes, Standards and Trends in Support of College Education for Police Officers.† An Information Paper for the Police Association for College Education, March 18, 2004, Accessed August 18, 2007, available at www.police-association.org 7 Carter, David, Sapp, Allen, and Stephens, Darrel, The State of Police Education: Policy Direction for the 21st Century, (Washington, D.C., 1989) 1 8 An institution that may participate in most Title IV federal student financial assistance programs, National Center for Education Statistics, accessed September 9, 2007, available at http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/glossary/index.asp?id=465 9 â€Å"Distance Education at Degree-Granting Postsecondary Institutions: 2000-2001.† National Center for Education Statistics, accessed Sept 9, 2007, available at http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2003/2003017.pdf 10 Carter, David, Sapp, Allen, and Stephens, Darrel, The State of Police Education: Policy Direction for the 21st Century, (Washington, D.C., 1989) 10-11 11 Carter, David, Sapp, Allen, and Stephens, Darrel, The State of Police Education: Policy Direction for the 21st Century, (Washington, D.C., 1989) 24 12 Carter, David, Sapp, Allen, and Stephens, Darrel, The State of Police Education: Policy Direction for the 21st Century, (Washington, D.C., 1989) 27 13 Fanter, Amy, â€Å"Hybrid Education: The Future of Instructional Models.,† World Wide Learn, accessed September 9, 2007, available at http://www.worldwidelearn.com/education-articles/hybrid-education.html

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Abnormal DNA Methylation in the Human Genome essays

Abnormal DNA Methylation in the Human Genome essays The methylation of DNA serves as one of the most crucial epigenetic modifications of modern day genetics. Methylation and demethylation of DNA have profound effects on cellular differentiation and processes such as transcription, gene expression, chromatin structure, and suppression of invasive and unwanted genes. Many enzymes work coherently to regulate methylation activity, one of the main being DNA methyltransferase. Any disruptions in the methyltransferase pathway can lead to the modification of regular DNA methylation. The modification of these processes can lead to fatal diseases and various types of cancer. The two patterns in which atypical DNA methylation fall are hypermethylation and hypomethylation. Relevantly, the cancer genome is quite regularly marked by the hypermethylation of specific genes simultaneous to the decrease in 5-methyl cytosine levels (hypomethylation). Hypermethylation refers to the over methylation of some genes which results in the repression of transcription. Hypomethylation is a decrease in the methylation of cytosine and adenosine residues in DNA. The decrease in methylation causes the reduction of imprinting and the instability of chromosomal structure. Both patterns of abnormalities of DNA methylation can result in irregulation of gene transcription, which can ultimately lead to the development cancer; however, due to its characteristic of being reversible, modulation of methylation and methyltransferase is an ideal theraputic and epigenetic target for the various cancers that originate from it. DNA methylation was first discovered in 1948, and ever since, has generated a substantial amount of controversy as a result of trying to decipher its significance. The methylation of DNA is a covalent modification which results in the addition of a methyl group to 'the 5th carbon of the cytosine ring. Most of the methylation occurs in the CpG dinucelotide; however, since there can be up to 1...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Basic Accounting Assignment Essay Example for Free

Basic Accounting Assignment Essay Generally Accepted   Principles, Balance sheet, Accounts receivable, Income statement, Debt, Liability, Double-entry bookkeeping system, Accounts payable 1- Explain the collecting, recording, classifying, summarizing, analyzing and reporting process of accounting. – Collecting:- Data obtained from various sources with the help of appropriate measures is called collection of data. – Recording:- Arranging the data into its chronological form is called recording of data. – Classifying:- Division of data according to nature of events is called classification of data. – Ledger is used for classifying transactions – Posting is the process of transferring transactions from journal to ledger. Summarizing:- This involves presenting the classified data in a manner which is understandable and useful to the management and other interested parties. Follow statements are prepared:- – Income statement – Balance Sheet – Cash flow statement – Analyzing:- The comparison of data in a business is called analyzing of data. For example, analyzing of present data with past data, or actual data with projected data. – Reporting:- Forwarding the results to financial users like chairman, directors, managers etc. is called reporting of data. – Discuss in detail the nature of accounts i. e. assets, expenses, liabilities, revenues and capital by giving examples. – Assets:- The resources of a business are called assets. They are of two types:- – Fixed Assets: Land, Building, Equipment, Vehicle etc. – Current Assets: Cash, cash at bank, A/c receivable, debtors, prepaid expenses. – Expenses:- The amount spent in a business wit h a view to gain profit in the future is called expense. Examples are rent expenses, salaries expenses, advertisement expenses etc. – Liabilities:- The financial responsibilities of the business for which it is liable are called liabilities. They are divided into two types:- – Fixed Liabilities (Bank Loan, Bonds Payable, Mortgage Payable. ) – Current Liabilities (Notes Payable, Unearned Income, Creditors. ) – Capital:- The amount of money invested by the owner in the business is called capital. – Revenue:- The incomes and the profits earned in the business through selling are called revenues. For example, Sales, Service revenue, Interest, commission earned. – Drawings:- The amount of money taken away by the proprietor for personal benefits is called Drawings. 3- Describe the accounting rule of debit and credit for accounts like assets, expenses, liabilities, revenues and capital. – Assets – Increase in Asset is debit. – Decrease in Asset is credit. – Liabilities – Increase in liabilities is credit. – Decrease in liabilities is debit. – Revenues – Increase in revenues is credit. – Decrease in revenues is debit. – Expenses – Increase in expense is debit. – Decrease in expense is credit. – Capital – Increase in capital is credit. – Decrease in capital is debit. – Select any twenty categories from the above and identify a transaction that will have the required effect on the business. 1- Purchased Goods on credit 25,000. 2- Gave services for cash 5,000. 3- Brought cash in business 65,000. 4- Adjusting entry of out standing salaries 9000. 5- Wa ges wrongly debited to Sales 400. 6- Salaries wrongly debited to Drawings 600. 7- Paid to accounts payable in cash 1500. 8- Goods returned by customer worth 650. 9- Withdrew cash for personal use 550 Basic Accounting Assignment. (2018, Oct 26).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Case Study for Total Quality Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Case Study for Total Quality Management - Essay Example Ever since 9/11 this industry has seen radical changes and movements towards downsizing and cost cutting. A company in this industry that was able to maintain a high level of customer service is Orbitz Corporation. This paper provides two answers to discussion questions of the case study Customer Service Processes at Orbitz. Mr. Patton was very satisfied with the level of service that he received. Corporations that provide good customer service are able to achieve higher levels of customer retention (Achievemax, 2009). There were various aspects of the experience Mr. Patton encountered which made him happy. First of all when he approached the company about the double billing problem the company was apologetic. After a short verification process which took a few minutes the firm admitted they were wrong. This is somewhat unusual because companies love to blame the customer. I once had a problem at an ATM that stole my money. I went to the bank and they claimed it was not their fault because they were the owners of the ATM and the protocol was for an investigation to occur. I was not satisfied with this response at all since all they had to do was contact the other bank that owned the ATM to check the video camera in order to verify that cash was not disbursed. Mr. Hatton was surprised that the company ad mitted the wrong doing so fast. Another dimension of the customer service at Orbitz that impressed Mr. Hatton was the short waiting time on the phone and the efficiency of their voicemail system. Inefficient voicemail system that keep routing the customer through way too many options typically anger customers to the point that at times the customer prefers to hang up than to continue the ordeal (Crestcapital, 2006). Another aspect of the customer service that impressed Mr. Hatton was that the company apologized for the mistake on various occasions. At the end of the process Orbitz send Mr. Hatton a letter apologizing with a